Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18

Today was a great day! I ate tons of fruits and veggies throughout the day, and had some delicious grilled chicken for supper. Today was a great day for exercise, as well. I went to the gym and did 35 minutes on the elliptical, and 30 minutes of speed-walking on the treadmill. Then when I got home I did Tone It Up's Sunkilled Abs workout ( I feel fantastic after having such a successful day. Now I'm going to crawl into bed with good book, and try and get some sleep so I have just as much energy for tomorrow.

Week One: Review

Week One of Tone It Up's Bikini Series has come to a close, and I dropped the ball on posting before-hand with my goals. Week one was a little wishy-washy for me, as I was still trying to put in place goals for myself for the summer. This is what I've concluded:
- I would like to lose weight. I'm going back to school at the end of August, so I'm extending my "bikini series" past 8 weeks. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by September 1. Of course, if I lose more I'll be ecstatic! But, and I'm saying this RIGHT OFF THE BAT, if I do not lose 20 pounds by September 1, I will still be extremely happy with any success I have. Losing 20 pounds is a goal, not a requirement. Last summer I set too much pressure on myself to lose a certain amount of pounds in a  certain amount of time, and I cracked and gave up. Let's not let that happen this year, shall we? I will work to achieve this goal by sticking to a meal plan (low carb/sugar/junk, high fruit/veggie/lean protein), drinking tons of water, and working out regularly.
- I would like to tone up the following areas: my tummy, my arms, and my thighs. I will work to achieve this goal by working hard to do toning exercises on a regular basis, in addition to cardio.
- I would like to improve my self-esteem. This is a big one for me, because no matter how much weight I lose or how toned my muscles are, how I feel about myself is important. I've gained and lost weight before, and feeling beautiful no matter what my weight is something I've struggled with before. Even if I reach the end of this summer with slightly flabby thighs and a few more pounds than I'd like, if I feel accomplished and beautiful in my own skin, I'll be one happy camper! I will work to achieve this goal by reminding myself daily that I am a hard worker, I am doing this Bikini Series for me, myself, and I only, and  I am beautiful no matter what I weigh or what I look like.
- I would like to have fun! What's the point in making myself miserable just to look a certain way? That's right. There's no point. So I won't. Yes, I will acknowledge that there will be days when I won't want to do a workout, or I'll be fed-up with eating healthy all the time. But I will make sure to allow myself enough breaks, treats, and gentle encouragement to get me through these little speed bumps and make sure I'm having fun overall.

In addition to thinking of what I'd like to accomplish over the next 8+ weeks, during Week One I've been working to get myself into a routine that will accommodate my work schedule, family life, social life, and personal preferences. Like I mentioned earlier, I've been away at University for 8 months, and in that time I definitely fell OUT of a normal routine. During Week One I worked to get back into a daily routine (taking care of my hair and skin, brushing and flossing twice every day, eating three good meals a day with a couple healthy snacks in between, etc.) and I'm proud to say I succeeded! I'm ready to rock-and-roll!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm Back! Bikini Season 2012!

So, it's been a whole year. This is what's up.
I went away to school last summer and, boy oh boy, did life get hectic! I started out fine, eating healthy and exercising regularly and then... BAM! Pizza, parties, late nights, essays, exams... I am ashamed to say I let all these things get in the way of my fitness goals I set out when I started this blog last year. Well, I'm home from school for the summer and I am excited and eager to get back into shape this summer! Thank goodness I have friends and family who support me, and Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up motivating me every single day!
This summer I'm going to be in the best shape I've ever been, that's a promise to you and to myself! On this blog I will be posting my goals, my feats, things I struggle with (late night snacking... skipping workouts... Let's kick these bad habits this summer, okay?!), my favourite recipes, and little tid bits I'm sure I'll learn along the way!
Thank you to those who take the time to read my posts! And good luck to those who are share the same goals as I do! We're all in this together, right? :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Snacks That Surprised Me

Eating organic can definitely be tricky, especially when it comes to snack food. I'm fine with my regular meals: chicken, veggies, fruits, etc. but when it comes to quick, on-the-go snacks, it becomes very tempting to simply reach for those bags of chips and chocolate bars! Let's face it, strawberries are delicious, but sometimes I just find myself wanting some Doritos instead. At work tonight (I work at a drug store) I was browsing our chip/snack section, reading the backs of bags just for fun. Here are a few seemingly chemical-filled snacks that surprised me!

PopCorners (Sea Salt flavor)
Official PopCorners website:
I've actually had these before, and they are DELICIOUS! The only ingredients listed (again, SEA SALT flavour. The other flavours are packed with nasty chemicals) are: yellow corn, sunflower oil, and sea salt. Who woulda thunk it?

Snapea Crisps (Snack Salad brand)
Official site:
I figured these sun-dried peas would have something funky in them, but compared to most other snack foods they really have very little in them! Not to mention they're a source of calcium, protein, Vitamin C, and iron. Not bad for a snack food, right?

Cliff Bars
Official site:
Being a university student who also works, I'm always looking for yummy energy bars. Unfortunately, a lot of them are high in calories and fat, AND consist of too many unpronounceable chemicals! Cliff Bars are certified organic (and certified DELICIOUS). There may be a long list of ingredients, but they're all good ones!

I'll continue adding to this post as I come across more delicious "healthy snack foods in disguise." :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week Four - April 11th

I stopped posting a blog every day because it just became too much! I'm so busy, I don't think I'll be able to post an update every single day for the remaining five weeks, but that does not mean I've given up on the Bikini Challenge! On the contrary, I am going stronger than ever. I've been working out every day (even if it's only 20 minutes of cardio or a toning circuit) and I am VERY proud of how well I've been eating. I'm having trouble staying away from starchy foods and carbs, but I've cut funky chemicals out of my diet completely. I would love to say I'm seeing results already, but honestly I'm not sure that I am. I'm okay with that, though, because to me this isn't just about losing weight, it's more about feeling good about myself and taking care of my body. I'm only 17, and I want to set the tone for how I want to live my life as I grow up!

Tone It Up workouts I've been loving:
Beach Ball Workout

Ab Workout Circuit

Food I've been loving:
Steamed veggies (usually I steam cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots)
A little bit of tuna on Simply Fit 95% organic baked crackers
Sliced bananas and oatmeal